hhaaahh atttuuuutt,,,
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together with shinwa
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Three Idiot
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goto school please
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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.
kereta api chinapecahkan rekor dunia
orang narcis punya bakat curang
- Mementingkan diri sendiri, melebih-lebihkan prestasi dan bakat yang dimiliki, berharap dikenal sebagai orang unggul tanpa ada hasil atau pencapaian tertentu.
- Terlalu bangga dengan fantasinya dan memiliki tujuan yang tidak realistik tentang keberhasilan yang tiada batas, kekuatan, kepintaran, kecantikan atau kisah cinta yang ideal.
- Percaya bahwa dirinya sangat spesial dan hanya bisa bergabung atau bergaul dengan orang-orang yang juga memiliki status tinggi.
- Memerlukan pujian yang berlebih ketika melakukan sesuatu
- Memiliki keinginan untuk diberi julukan tertentu
- Bersikap egois dan selalu mengambil keuntungan dari setiap kesempatan untuk mendapatkan apa yang diinginkannya
- Tidak memiliki perasaan empati terhadap sesama
- Selalu merasa iri hati dengan keberhasilan orang lain dan percaya bahwa orang lain juga iri padanya
- Menunjukkan sifat arogan dan merendahkan orang lain
- Mudah terluka, emosional dan memiliki pribadi yang lemah
danau kuna di gurun sahara
keindahan plankton-plankton
Bagi kebanyakan makhluk laut, plankton adalah makanan utama mereka. Plankton terdiri dari sisa-sisa hewan dan tumbuhan laut. Ukurannya kecil saja. Walaupun termasuk sejenis benda hidup, plankton tidak mempunyai kekuatan untuk melawan arus, air pasang atau angin yang menghanyutkannya.
Plankton hidup di pesisir pantai di mana ia mendapat bekal garam mineral dan cahaya matahari yang mencukupi. Ini penting untuk memungkinkannya terus hidup. Mengingat plankton menjadi makanan ikan, tidak mengherankan bila ikan banyak terdapat di pesisir pantai. Itulah sebabnya kegiatan menangkap ikan aktif dijalankan di kawasan itu.
Selain sisa-sisa hewan, plankton juga tercipta dari tumbuhan. Jika dilihat menggunakan mikroskop, unsur tumbuhan alga dapat dilihat pada plankton. Beberapa makhluk laut yang memakan plankton adalah seperti batu karang, kerang, dan ikan paus.
Kurma Madinah
10 tip awet pacaran
Hi guys! Are you tired of long studying time? Are you bored of looking at your books, memorising the words? Do you want to know how to study effectively? This article is what you're looking for! If you are having difficulties studying, you are not alone! Studying for an exam has been a problem for most students. Students often say that they don't have enough time to study. Studying time varies from one student to another, some can study in an hour for an exam, but some say that a day is just not enough. This could be a serious problem, when the students who need a long time to study fail an exam, and this happens occasionally, it might give them a shock. The shock can give them stress, this leads to a depression, and the final destination is a life-time regret. 3 tips to study effectively: 1. Manage your time! Time management is always a crucial point, not only in studying, but every aspect of our lives. When you have to ability to manage time, you'll be able to do things at the right time and in an effective way. When it's your time to take a rest, take a rest! When it's your time to study, study! Don't take a rest when you are studying and don't study when you are taking a rest! We need a rest to stay fit when we are studying. When you are studying, concentrate on your study. When I have an exam the next day, I usually spend my evening by playing games, watching T.V., reading comic books, surfing the web, and other fun things. Mostly, I start studying at half past 7 and finish before 10 o'clock. My average mark: 80 out of 100. I do whatever I want before I study. 2. Concentrate! Concentration is a crucial point in studying. When you don't have the concentration, you won't be able to study quickly. Concentrating helps you to memorise things quicker. Therefore, speeds up your study. There are lots of ways to develop concentration, it varies from one to other students. Some students say that listening to music helps them to concentrate, some say that studying at a really quiet place helps to concentrate, I personally like to study while I listen to music. When I am bored, I sing(though my voice isn't that good), lol. 3. Believe in yourself! Believing in yourself is one important matter. It is a matter of passing and failing. Believing in yourself prevents you from panicking. Sometimes, before we start, we feel that there's too much to memorise, it cause us to panic. By believing in ourselves, we prevent panicking and help us to stay calm. Thus, speeding up our studying time. 4. Take little breaks! This is also crucial, for taking little breaks prevents us from ringing the boredom-bells. It is ideal to take a 5 minute break every half an hour. Use your breaks to drink, stretch your body, and you can even scream to release the stress. What if you've already rung your boredom-bells? It would be better to study when you are not bored, as boredom might slow you down. Stop studying for a while, have a longer break, 15 minutes maximum, then study again. Never stop too long, a long stop will not help you study quicker, it's even a waste of time. When you stop too long, you become too lazy to study again. 5. Smile! A little smile will definitely help you. Little smile, but big effect. Smiles give you the spirit to study. Even if it's a fake smile, they can give you some spirit. Smiles are signs of positive way of thinking, and positive thinking gives you the spirit to study. Smiles can also reduce your boredom alarm time. Hope that my tips are useful for all of you, they are my personal tips. I suggest you to use mnemonic systems, it really speeds up your studying time. I will write a post about how to use mnemonic systems to study, just wait for it. Have fun^^!